Digital Marketing

Looking to gain more customers for your business? Beyond our print & sign offerings, Sage offers comprehensive online marketing solutions to help your business get found in the digital space. Contact one of our digital specialists today to learn more!


We know that print media is only one piece of the equation where it comes to your overall marketing strategy, and we’re here to help. Digital marketing can be intimidating to those unfamiliar with the ins and outs of the online space, but our team is here to hear your marketing woes and implement solutions to get your product seen across the online space.
With many services available, we formulate a custom strategy to assist with your specific needs. And while you don’t need to understand the technical details of each of our products to derive value from them, here is a high-level overview of what we provide and how we can help.



If you haven’t heard of SEM, you may have heard it called by another name – Pay-Per-Click (PPC). It works by advertising your product or service using online paid ads which appear when a potential client searches your chosen target phrase, and your cost is a measure of how many people click on your ad. You select the area within which you want to advertise (postal codes or radius), and SEM goes to work bringing leads to your business. SEM is among the few digital marketing strategies that gets results right away, often in days – not weeks or months. With immediate results, you can track your insights online and perfect your target phrase/keywords or the area within which you are advertising in order to make your advertising dollars do more within your budget.


Have you noticed items that you search for online showing up in your various social media feeds? For example, that reclining chair that you searched for Father’s Day may have triggered ads that now display similar items for sale on your Facebook feed. This is not your imagination; this is the intelligence of display ads at work. Display ads are more laborious than a more passive strategy, such as PPC, and therefore require experts with a keen eye for detail and a knack for optimizing campaigns. At Sage, we pair you with a marketing industry expert to get your display ad campaign working for you, generating measurable results that inform the evolution of your campaign.


No matter the size of your business, you know that a strong social media presence is an important factor in your marketing strategy. But social media takes time, commitment and skill to use effectively – which is the reason that many corporate social media pages start out with good intentions, and quickly fizzle out. Without a consistent presence, you’re losing out on valuable opportunities to engage directly with your followers whose attention you need to garner more sales. Our marketers are social media professionals with a long history of using social media platforms both personally and professionally. If you are tired of trying to make social media work despite your lack of time and expertise, contact us for a results-based approach.


While SEM uses ads to draw in your potential clients, SEO takes a different approach to the visibility of your site. Rather than put its focus on advertisements, SEO is concerned with the visibility of your organization online when keywords are searched. Search engines like Google change the way they select their page 1 search results often, and an SEO strategy means that you keep pace with these changes in order to draw more traffic to your site. SEO ensures that your site is visible to customers 24/7, so you don’t miss leads that occur while you are away, and it can level the playing field within a region to allow you to compete locally rather than on a national scale with large brands.


It’s no surprise to anyone that our mobile devices are getting smarter every day, increasing the ways in which users can access information and engage with the world. Mobile advertising capitalizes on the ability to advertise on devices that are connected to WiFi, such as cell phones and tablets. These ads may display on a banner at either the top or bottom of a user’s screen, and can send text messages with exclusive offers, if desired. These ads are an option for any business that is interested in marketing within a specified area and to specific segments of the market.


It goes without saying these days that a professional website is a must for any company with a presence online. Websites are your brand ambassadors for new customers looking at your products or services for the first time, but their potential does not end there. Our website professionals know that your website should offer the user an experience from the first time they land on the site to the time that they leave it. That is why our team employs leading edge practices to trace the behavior of each person that lands on your website, how long they spend there, and from which page they exit the site. With insights like these, our team is well positioned to make important changes to the flow and user experience offered by your website, resulting in more sales and better leads.


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